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Grow with MJC: The Purpose

This is not a set of rules; instead, these tools allow the Trusted Grown-ups in a child's life to create containers of connection, moments where you can witness a child's emotions and meet them with understanding and compassion. The books and tools help give kids words, the ability for the Trusted Grown-ups to help, and create the building blocks of trust.

Grow with MJC seeks to bring awareness, compassion, and love to building emotional resilience and having hard conversations.  Rather than avoid, it is about giving kids the tools to become more self-aware, emotionally resilient and move through the big (and sometimes difficult) emotions.  After all, emotions are not good/bad, male/female nor are they exclusive to race, age, or any other classification—they’re simply human.  

Grow with MJC seeks to provide parents and kids with the tools and words to engage with each other in safe ways so that they can have conversations about emotions and their roles in our lives.  While emotions can be scary and overwhelming, creating space for more mindfulness and empathy provides the ability to see the experiences of others.  This, in turn, allows both parents and kids the ability to experience a safer and more playful world while communicating in ways they both can understand.


About Michelle

In my life, family comes first.  I have been blessed to be a full-time stay-at-home wife to a wonderful man and a mother of two beautiful children.  I have always loved expressing myself creatively--drawing, sketching, painting, crafts, and decorating (pretty much anything I can see in my mind's eye and create with my hands).

 While nothing brings me more joy than spending quality time with my family, I am also an introvert who loves and enjoys alone time.


I absolutely love learning about subjects that light me up.  Things like Human Design, spirituality, and personal transformation are among those subjects.  I love digging deep into each area to discover the why's and how's.  More specifically, why things operate the way they do, how it is put together and brings value to our world.  


Previously, in what seems like a lifetime ago, I was a Personal Training Director and Exercise Therapist, utilizing my degree from Springfield College in Applied Exercise Science.

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